2023 AGM
8 September 2023
Dear Shareholder,
Global semiconductor developer, BluGlass Limited (ASX:BLG) is pleased to notify shareholders that its Annual General Meeting will be held as a hybrid meeting on Monday 9 October 2023, with shareholders able to attend physically at the offices of Grant Thornton, Level 17, 383 Kent Street, Sydney and as a virtual meeting (Meeting).
In accordance with Part 1.2AA of the Corporations Act 2001, the Company will only dispatch physical copies of the Notice of Meeting (Notice) to Shareholders who have elected to receive the Notice in physical form. The Notice is being made to Shareholders electronically and can be viewed and downloaded from the BluGlass website from this page. The Notice will also be available on the Company’s ASX market announcements page.
The following documents can be viewed by clicking on the hyperlinks below:
Details of our 2023 Annual General Meeting:
Date: Monday 9 October 2023
Time: 10:00am (Sydney Time)
Physical meeting location: The offices of Grant Thornton, Level 17, 383 Kent Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000
Online meeting registration link:
Virtual Meeting
The Company is pleased to provide shareholders with the opportunity to attend and participate in a virtual meeting, where shareholders will be able to watch, listen, and vote online. Register to attend the virtual meeting here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_fYdoCaYUQAu4vctRZNQfxw
After registering, you will receive a confirmation containing information on how to attend the virtual meeting on the day of the AGM.
To access the meeting online:
- Open your internet browser and go to investor.automic.com.au
- Login with your username and password or click “register” if you haven’t already created an account.
Shareholders are encouraged to create an account prior to the start of the meeting to ensure there is no delay in attending the hybrid meeting
- After logging in, a banner will display at the bottom of your screen to indicate that the meeting is open for registration, click on “Register” when this appears. Alternatively, click on “Meetings” on the left hand menu bar to access registration.
- Click on “Register” and follow the steps
- Click on the URL to join the webcast where you can view and listen to the hybrid meeting
- Once the Chair of the Meeting has declared the poll open for voting click on “Refresh” in the Automic portal to be taken to the voting screen
- Select your voting direction and click “confirm” to submit your vote. You cannot amend your vote after it has been submitted
Shareholders who are unable to join us at the AGM are encouraged to cast a direct vote prior to the meeting or, alternatively, to appoint a proxy to attend virtually and vote on your behalf.
Even if you plan to attend the virtual meeting, you are still encouraged to cast a direct vote or submit a directed proxy in advance of the meeting so that your votes can still be counted if for any reason you cannot attend (for example, if there is an issue with your internet connection on the day of the meeting).
How to lodge a Proxy or direct vote:
Shareholders can lodge a proxy in advance of the meeting online, or via email or post. Instructions on how to vote directly or appoint a proxy are detailed on the form. All votes must be received no later than 10.00am (Sydney Time) on Saturday 7 October to be valid.
Shareholders can cast their direct vote online before, or at, the Meeting by logging in to the Share Registry at https://investor.automic.com.au/#/loginsah
Email at meetings@automicgroup.com.au
Complete the enclosed Proxy Form and mail to Automic, GPO Box 5193 Sydney, NSW, 2001
We encourage all shareholders to lodge a directed proxy or direct vote as soon as possible in advance of the meeting, even if they are planning to attend the meeting online.
How to ask a question
Only shareholders will be able to ask a question in advance of the meeting or at the meeting. We encourage shareholders to submit questions in advance of the AGM by Monday 2 October. Questions can be submitted via email to agm@bluglass.com.
Yours faithfully,
James Walker
BluGlass Chair